The growth of the internet has powered today’s biggest tech giants, who deal in information in the same way that gunslingers deal in bullets. Google, Facebook, and many other companies rely heavily on targeted information. And for online marketers and website managers, the right information is also key to smarter, better search engine optimization or SEO. Acting on the latest top SEO trends is one key to kicking your competition to the curb.

This year’s top SEO trends

Here are this year’s four top SEO trends, and how they affect your business web presence:

1. Blockchain to Verify Page Interactions

While blockchain may be more associated with cryptocurrency, blockchain’s smart security features are also being applied to other fields. Likewise, you can apply it to SEO to help verify whether or not a connection between two entities is secure. And for online or mobile advertising, blockchain technology can also help you verify whether a real person or a bot clicked on your ad. That reduces the likelihood of online ad fraud, especially when websites are able to identify site visitors.

2. Mobile-First Indexing

Wordpress blogger mobile-first indexingThis may not surprise you, since mobile-first indexing has now been around for since early 2018. But for those of you who are new or simply need a recap: mobile-first indexing is built upon the fact that since about 70 percent of all search queries are now made on mobile devices, so you should optimize your website(s) for mobile viewing. With mobile-first indexing, your websites are ranked according to their mobile friendliness, with un-optimized websites ranking lower.

3. Voice Assisted Search

With tech giants such as Google, Samsung, and Apple each pushing their own voice assistants, it’s not far-fetched to think that websites may become optimized for voice assisted queries in the near future. And at many big companies, marketers and website administrators are already working on it. The only question now is how such a change would be implemented, especially since such a change would require a totally different SEO strategy.

4. More SEO Companies to Help Us

The fourth of these SEO trends ties them all together, because with more complicated SEO practices has also come a worldwide boom in SEO companies offering both customized and turnkey SEO services. But now that there are thousands of SEO companies offering SEO services internationally, which are the best?

To save you a lot of time, we recommend sites like for detailed lists of the best SEO companies out there. You can see the current month’s best SEO companies and get customized recommendations to meet your own needs and resources. Of course you can do your own hours of research, but wouldn’t you rather spend that time making great web content?