2016 Mobile Star Awards Entrant:

>  Enterprise Mobile Collaboration & Presentation — tibbr

2013 Mobile Star Awards Winner:

>  Enterprise Mobile Collaboration & Presentation — tibbr

Company Summary:

TIBCO Software
3307 Hillview Avenue
Palo Alto, CA 94304
(+1) 650-846-1000

Company Contacts:
>  For sales, please call (+1) 855-842-2770

Company Structure:  Public Company (NASDAQ: TIBX); tibbr established in 2011
Operating Systems Supported:  All Browsers, All Mobile & Desktop OS

Tibbr Enterprise Social Network Features:

tibbr enterprise social networktibbr, built with TIBCO’s expert integration technology, offers one of the market’s most powerful enterprise social network capabilities by streamlining people, apps, data and systems into a single interface to get work done faster and with more insight than ever before.

Unlike other social software tools that are slapped vertically onto an organization, tibbr is a horizontal, flexible platform that brings together all people and tools needed for work, so meaningful collaboration and real work can take place across all aspects of business.

This unique platform strategy, alongside the commitment to mobile and full-featured communication and collaboration capabilities, are at the core of tibbr’s rapid growth and adoption.

More than an enterprise social network —
Get work done

tibbr enterprise social network iPhonetibbr’s newly redesigned mobile apps go beyond merely streaming updates for passive consumption and rather present actionable information, so users can actually complete serious business operations efficiently on the go.

The interface is elegant and easy to navigate, while the complex backend technology invisibly computes large datasets to proactively push the critical work information to the right user at the right time.

tibbr’s platform integrates with all the major outside apps used daily for work, including Box, Dropbox, Google Drive, SharePoint, Skype, WebEx and Google Hangouts, to streamline all work processes and correspondences into one easy, collaborative experience. This all-in-one interface gives way to a more efficient, smart workflow.

tibbr enterprise social network iPhone2Additionally, tibbr is the first enterprise social network to tap into geolocation capabilities by turning locations into data hubs that proactively stream critical information specific to a place.

tibbr is also the only platform and device agnostic enterprise social network available. Built from the ground up and optimized specifically for iOS, Android and BlackBerry, tibbr’s mobile app truly makes BYOD a reality for the enterprise. In fact, over 50% of their users log into the mobile app before the version on their desktop each day.

With tibbr’s mobile app users have access to the powerful features and functionality they need to get work done efficiently and effectively, no matter the location. By providing users with choice and flexibility within the app, tibbr enables over 7 million users worldwide to achieve real work results.


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