2016 Mobile Star Awards Winner:
Mobile Customer Engagement & Marketing — Pyze Growth Intelligence
Mobile Customer or User Analytics — Pyze Growth Intelligence
Company Profile:
Pyze, Inc.
425 Broadway Street
Redwood City, CA 94063
(+1) 415-952-7993
pyze [at] kulesafaul.com
Amanda Lennon, PR for Pyze — amanda [at] kulesfaul.com
Dickey Singh, CEO & Co-Founder — dickey [at] pyze.com
Prabhjot Singh, President & Co-Founder — prabhjot [at] pyze.com
Structure: Private Company, established in 2013
OS Supported: Android, iOS
Pyze Features & Benefits:
Pyze offers a mobile business intelligence platform, Pyze Growth Intelligence, which enables all app publishers to maximize app growth and personalize user engagement, free of charge.
The app stores are currently dominated by app publishers who generate well over $1 million dollars a day, while the majority of publishers are struggling to make an average of $500 a month. The large publishers dominating the market have big data pipelines, and high-demand and resource-constrained data scientists performing sophisticated behavioral targeting and retargeting of users to grow their apps. The rest are stuck with time-intensive analytics tools that provide only basic functionality and minimal value in engaging users.
Designed for the “everyman” mobile app publishers that make up the overwhelming majority, Pyze Growth Intelligence (screenshots after last paragraph below) aims to level playing field by arming them with the sophisticated, intelligence-based tools they need to compete with the “Goliath” incumbents. The mobile business intelligence platform helps marketers and even data scientists automatically correlate data from multiple sources, using machine learning and deep contextualization to cluster users based on common traits and behavior.
Pyze Growth Intelligence enables app publishers to interact with the right users at the right time by automatically identifying under-monetized users, increasing loyalty of active users, re-engaging with attrition-risk users, and resurrecting churned users. App publishers can deploy custom onboarding plans and quickly act upon trends, patterns and anomalies based on the individual behavior across millions of users in real time.
Comprehensive mobile business intelligence
Key features of Pyze Growth Intelligence include:
Visual Intelligence – Provides key business metrics, predictions, real-time activity, cohorts, churn and automated event and screen funnel analysis
Growth Automation – Creates custom interaction points to onboard new users, engage active users and resurrect users in attrition, automatically driven by behavioral intelligence, key user actions and usage milestones
Intelligence Explorer – Provides precise targeting across the entire user base through automated segmentation and real-time explorations using key behavioral attributes like engagement, loyalty, revenue, attrition-risk, cohorts and many more (see example image below)
Contextual Marketing – Enables app publishers to create meaningful touch points with users via push notifications and in-app messaging, at the time when individual users are most receptive to each message type
Smart App Agent – Pyze iOS and Android agents use artificial intelligence to adapt to an environment, intelligently minimize instrumentation and device resource consumption, while eliminating the need for personal data collection
Pyze Growth Intelligence delivers all of these mobile business intelligence capabilities free of charge, whereas other vendors charge thousands of dollars per month.